Established 2008

KBISNorth America’s Premier Kitchen & Bath Industry Show

We are gearing up for another exciting visit to KBIS…the kitchen and bath industry show put on by the NKBA showcasing millions of square feet of the latest in kitchen and bath design and product. 

Kicking off the event Monday evening will be the gala where we are a finalist for “specialty kitchens” at the beautiful ENCORE hotel and resort. On the next day…I will have two tours back to back for the Interior Design Society, showcasing the very best brands for interior designers to collaborate with…10 stops in all. Wednesday, you’ll find me at the TOTO booth talking about trends in bath design with Alena Capra, CMKBD at 10 AM and I’ll be circling back around to my favorite, refreshing destination, ZIP Water all show long!
Hope to see you there!