Month: February 2025
Zip Water
Posted on by @wendy

Three years ago, I attended the KBIS show in Orlando, where I was first introduced to Zip Water.
The booth and the people were like an oasis in the desert. Clean, cool sparkling water and industry professionals to match! The Interior Design Society members on the guided tours I led were all just as enchanted. Fast forward and I have been blessed with the opportunity to be Zip Water’s first North American design influencer. It was installed early this fall and has absolutely changed the game for me in my kitchen and my household. The HydroTap delivers filtered cold, boiling and sparkling water in addition to the regular hot and cold water supply. It sterilizes knives and cookware, cooks veggies like broccolini and asparagus simply by soaking them in dispensed boiling water. Spinach and swiss chard are blanched in a snap! And no more waiting around for water to boil…pasta cooking time is cut in half.
The Zip Water appliance is also beloved by my family. My son appreciates how the Zip water sterilizes wood cutting boards with boiling water, and our dear dog, Everest, really loves his water bowl filled to the brim with sparkling cold, clean water.
I’m so honored and grateful for the opportunity to represent Zip Water …which has truly upleveled our kitchen and cooking experience in ways we’d never imagined.
Thank you for your trust Zip Water.
KBISNorth America’s Premier Kitchen & Bath Industry Show
Posted on by @wendy

We are gearing up for another exciting visit to KBIS…the kitchen and bath industry show put on by the NKBA showcasing millions of square feet of the latest in kitchen and bath design and product.
Kicking off the event Monday evening will be the gala where we are a finalist for “specialty kitchens” at the beautiful ENCORE hotel and resort. On the next day…I will have two tours back to back for the Interior Design Society, showcasing the very best brands for interior designers to collaborate with…10 stops in all. Wednesday, you’ll find me at the TOTO booth talking about trends in bath design with Alena Capra, CMKBD at 10 AM and I’ll be circling back around to my favorite, refreshing destination, ZIP Water all show long!
Hope to see you there!